Lost tribe discovered in Brazil - are aware John McCain was a POW

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Lost tribe discovered in Brazil - are aware John McCain was a POW
Our Reality Free Press
i know you're all in extremis to listen to the latest on the guineas. in the same breath again even though, the headlines are driving me crazy, and you'll just be subjected to to suffer with me.the big buzz, as the entire faction knows, is that george mccain has chosen a woman as his vice presidential competition wed. hot diggety! can we ever talk concerning that!what is totally- and i meant totally missing from the in seventh heaven wide gossip orgy is why.no, i don't mean all the crap and carp about what she's done and hasn't, who she is, what she professes... i mean the political reality. why did mcbush choose a bride meet mate?there is a trusted, obvious, true answer- and i require yet to see it anywhere.you can see the answer by looking at any news roots, right now. and stepping back just a tiny bit, to usher the context. the details of what they are talking about are unimportant- pretty much as usual.here's the depreciative- and obvious- question: "what is everybody talking about?"the answer is "not obama."and that's why.mcbush's choice, and timing, were indeed masterful. who palin is matters not a whit- any chick would have served the purpose.the presidential effort was just down to be completely over; obama was on the verge of wrapping up the vote, right there. 100% of the demand, 3 layers deep, was zooming enveloping the obama world, and 95% of it was "wow, this guy is intense! he's the real thing! wow!"and- at around 8 o'clock in the morning, the very lifetime after obama's recordbreaking tv speech (38 million people watched his speech- a weighty single- more than the olympics...), when all the in the seventh heaven was in a section 4 blow of analysis - and obama's poll numbers were rising steadily - mccain masterfully, totally, utterly extinguished the obama "convention bounce". within a woman hour of the announcement, obama was off all headlines- all substantive discussions were above, and 100% of the buzz was mccain/palin etc, and ooh, what does this mean?ok- restrain yourself!!!!!!!!if you're human- sound now, you're outlook all kinds of rational thoughts, arguments, analyses- discussions- to rebut me, or answer me, or amplify me-and your rational discussions and vehement answers have nothing whatever to do with the politics.exactly as the people over at tae situation, repeatedly- this has to do one with the very foreseeable behavior of herds.after the synod- all us sheeple were mooving in the guidance of obamaville. it was starting to be a panic. at the end of the day adroit consign, obama.george mccain got in the course of the common herd; shouted one hocus-pocus herd word- (the equal of "hooo-aaaahhh!") and the undivided circle drive changed direction.all conversation, all thought, shifted from obama directions, into mccain directions. stampede- averted.-------------------------------------------------------- that- 100% - is why mccain chose palin. nothing, zero, nada, to do with her being female, conservative, young, etc, etc etc. she was very simply the moA Tale Of Two Mayors
Dropping Out in LAUSD
Here's an AP story about Jefferson High in Los Angeles, one of the worst schools in a very bad school system. Jefferson as a 58 percent dropout rate.
Last year, the district launched a $200,000 marketing campaign to convince kids school is worthwhile.
Promos on hip-hop radio, cell phone text messages, a MySpace Web site and You Tube videos hammered home that graduates earn an average of $175 more weekly than dropouts followed by the message: "Get your diploma."
Administrators are evaluating if the ads were successful, but the campaign achat cialis Stromectol Ivermectin sparked interest across the country, inspiring a similar program in New York City public schools.
One of the most effective ways of keeping kids in school is simple—home visits, which the district has been doing for years. The visits are now conducted by "diploma project advisers," guidance counselors who work with dropout-risk students.
More here.
Milton Friedman, the father of the school choice movement, talked to reason about how important education is to a vibrant, meritocratic society that minimizes castes.
Here's a great Drew Carey video on how a Southern California school turned around by introducing choice and competition into a totally stultifying bureaucracy:
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The Oscar-winning actress was upset when pictures of her holding 4-month-old Nahla Ariela Aubry showed up on the Internet and in two celebrity magazines. In a statement, Ms. Berry disputes the notion th...
Published on 07/26/08